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NLP Practitioner Training (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Andy Davydov

NLP Practitioner Training (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

NLP is a way of thinking characterized by curiosity, a desire to learn, and respect for other people. Practice involves observing how people behave, think and feel, and how they achieve results. NLP comes from three different disciplines, each of which is included and explored in this training course for NLP practitioners.

The NLP philosophy states that our perceptions, beliefs, emotions, behavior, attitudes and communication styles are linked to the results and consequences we receive every day. At the practical level of neurolinguistic programming, you will advance from learning basic concepts to using NLP in all aspects of your professional or personal life.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a branch of applied psychology that aims to increase the ability of people to make wise decisions and achieve their goals. NLP involves recognizing learned behaviors or thinking patterns and then looking for new creative ways to use or update them.

In the field of NLP, or neurolinguistic programming, research focuses on how we communicate with ourselves internally, which affects how we communicate with others outside. Specifically, it focuses on conscious and unconscious mental processes that affect how we interpret our daily lives, careers, and relationship experiences.

Those interested in teaching NLP practitioners usually want to make a positive impact on society, rather than spend years studying classical psychology. With our NLP Practitioner Program, you will learn a wide range of life principles that you can apply in your daily life to enhance productivity, improve relationships, and develop deep self-awareness.

School Improvement Plan: Template
Isabella DavisLuca MeyerWilliam Smith

School Improvement Plan: Template

Establishing clear processes to improve whole school teaching and learning

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